Devices for exercising pelvic floor muscles
PELVIC CONTROL TRAINING provides a non-surgical, non-invasive therapy for treatment of urinary and feces incontinence, incontinence after radical prostatectomy, pelvic pain, erectile dysfunction and other sexual disturbances, haemorrhoids, vagina tonus and more. PCT can offer unique therapeutic benefits. Unlike any other therapy, PCT exercises all the muscles of the pelvic floor to rebuild strength and endurance, reestablishing bladder control. Pelvic Control Training is based on a revolutionary technology called Extracorporeal Magnetic innervations. This technology produces highly focused pulsing magnetic field. You sit fully clothed in a comfortable chair, allowing the therapeutic fields to be easily aimed at the muscle of the pelvic floor. These muscles contract and relax each magnetic pulse from 1 to 50 times a second. In this way the muscle can be proffesionally trained and developed.
Kegel exercises and Kegels in combination with biofeedback and the
electrotherapy require you to actively work at isolating you pelvic floor muscle and master contracting them.
All these require that wires or probes be inserted vaginal or anal and can be painful and comfortable. Normally
you should train 2 times a day, 20 minutes, for at least 6 months. Pelvic Floor Therapy on the other hand,
doesn’t require your participation. Exercises the muscle more completely than you could ever do on your own. A
therapeutic magnetic field alone initiates muscle contractions.
The majority of patients can be significantly helped by a conservative therapy such as Pelvic Floor Therapy. And
it can offer an option for patients who are at increased surgical risk due to a particular medical condition.