Pari TurboBoy Specialists in Effective Inhalation

Pari TurboBoy Specialists in Effective Inhalation

Location:Przeźmierowo, Poland

Available quantity:1

orCall +48 601 333 666


The Pari Boy Classic inhaler (formerly Pari Turbo Boy SX) is intended for respiratory therapy in children over 4 years of age, teenagers and adults. It can be used to treat, among others: bronchial and allergic asthma, bronchitis. The PARI LC SPRINT nebulizer ensures effective pulmonary deposition and an appropriately short inhalation time. Nebulization is easy even for children. Short inhalation time - less than 5 minutes for 2.5 ml of solution. The PARI LC SPRINT nebulizer ensures effective drug deposition even with a short inhalation time. Easy to use even for the youngest.


Stock Number9163001167