

Location:Przeźmierowo, Poland

orCall +48 601 333 666


KX-21N, SN: A4550

Year of manufacture: 12.2003. 220-230VAC power supply. Maintenance of interior and exterior surfaces. Replacement of compressor (replacement with analyser with SN: F1285). Language change from French to English. Straightening of the needle (it was intensely bent, a lot of bumps remained). Removal of metallic debris from the surface of the ceramic valve (there were previously leaks from the valve). Clearing the needle. Clearing the plumbing in a number of places. Background as normal. Repeatability check on patient's blood (21-day blood). Results normal except for PLT, which may be due to old blood. No varnishing of any components was performed.

Kit composition:

1. analyser

2. full oviposition

3. power cord 230VAC


Stock NumberA4550