Location:Przeźmierowo, Poland

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ACL TOP 500 CTS, SN: 11061818, Koaguology

ACL TOP 500 CTS analyser - Version 5.2.0. Disassembly, maintenance of the interior and housing. Damaged effluent connection (effluent was not blocked when the hydraulic connector was disconnected and leaked from the analyser when disconnected) replaced (both socket and plug, replaced with new, Ali......., £50). Needle position calibration had to be carried out (an error appeared after start-up). Commissioning was carried out with water instead of reagents. A defective LED (the analyser reported a measurement path error after start-up - a defective red LED in the measurement path marked:, S/S ASSY LED 671NM (4Dye LED), part number: 00028873601) was replaced with a new one. Maintenance of the ‘Clean’ supply valves to the wash wells was carried out (the hydraulic path of the valves, which was obstructed, was cleaned). The analyser starts up to the READY level.

Kit composition (see photos for details):

1. analyser with full hoses (also cuvette with effluent canister) and wiring for 115VAC.

3. computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse.

4. printer (probably damaged).

5. NONE - Hand-held barcode scanner.

6. accessories - see below.

Lp. Name (Notes - standard quantity of set) / quantity included in set

1. Sample Rack (black-8) / 7 2. CTS Rack (blue-8) / 5

Diluent Rack (alu.-2) / 2 4. Reagent Rack (alu.-4) / 4

Adapter (for sample Rack, black-10) / 4 6. Adapter (for sample Rack, red-10) / 5

7. adapter (for sample Rack, blue-10) / 2 8. adapter (for diluent Rack, big, red-4) / 4

9. adapter (for dil. Rack, medium, red-4) / 4 10. adapter (for dil. Rack, small, red-4) / 4

11. adapter (for reag. Rack, big, alu.-12) / 12 12. adapter (for reag. Rack, small, alu.-12) / 12

13. tray (for sample Rack-1) / 1


Stock Number11061818