Instrumentation Laboratory (IL), ACL TOP 500 CTS

Instrumentation Laboratory (IL), ACL TOP 500 CTS

Location:Przeźmierowo, Poland

orCall +48 601 333 666


Instrumentation Laboratory (IL), ACL TOP 500 CTS, SN: 11121998.

Origin; Canada. Power supply for analyser, monitor and PC: 100-240VAC. Printer power supply: 110-127VAC. Maintenance. Change of language from French to English. Analyser starts correctly - ‘Ready’ appears on screen (started using distilled water instead of reagents). External printer possibly faulty - does not initialise. Handheld barcode scanner does not transfer data - damaged or misconfigured (scanner cable operational). Both carriages secured for transport. Photographs taken. Tables in the photos are not included. Login / Password: SysAdmin / topdog.

Kit composition:

1. analyser with full ovalization (also cuvette with effluent canister) and wiring for 115VAC.

3. computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse.

4. printer (probably damaged).

5. hand-held barcode scanner (probably broken).

6. accessories - see below.

Lp. Name (Remarks - standard quantity of set) / quantity included in set

Sample Rack (black-8) / 8 2. CTS Rack (blue-8) / 5

Diluent Rack (alu.-2) / 2 4. Reagent Rack (alu.-4) / 4

Adapter (for sample Rack, black-10) / 5 6. Adapter (for sample Rack, red-10) / 5

7. adapter (for sample Rack, blue-10) / 3 8. adapter (for diluent Rack, big, red-4) / 4

9. adapter (for dil. Rack, medium, red-4) / 4 10. adapter (for dil. Rack, small, red-4) / 3

11. adapter (for reag. Rack, big, alu.-12) / 12 12. adapter (for reag. Rack, small, alu.-12) / 12

13. tray (for sample Rack-1) / 1


Stock Number11121998