Hematology Automated Sample Sorting and Archiving Systems Introduced
Two laboratory-hematology automation systems have been launched for pre- and post-analytic sample sorting and archiving.
These systems, the ABX SAT RL 1500 pre-analytic robotic tube-sorting device and the ABX SAT TA 5000 Plus refrigerated-sample archiving system, are suitable for mid- to large-size hematology laboratories. Both systems offer considerable time, energy, and cost savings when compared to manual sorting and archiving. When combined, the products provide optimal laboratory workflow and process efficiency. In addition, the systems ensure complete workflow traceability and audit trails through bidirectional connection to the laboratory-information management system (LIMS).
The ABX SAT RL 1500 will flexibly sort up to l ,500 closed primary sample tubes per hour, and will automatically load (complete blood count) CBC/DIFF samples into ABX Pentra racks prior to analysis. Postanalysis, ABX Pentra racks are automatically unloaded and intelligently stored by the ABX SAT TA 5000 Plus in 5,000 tube-capacity refrigerated cabinets. Each cabinet is modular and can be easily undocked once filled and cold storage for sample preservation – a new empty cabinet can then be connected to the system.
Samples for additional analyses, such as glycosylated hemoglobin (HbAlc), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and referrals, can also be stored based on worklist requirements via the LIMS.
The hematology systems are products of HORIBA ABX (Montpellier, France; www.horiba-abx.com), a company that produces and manufactures hematology and clinical chemistry analyzers.