1/ A25 used Random Access Analyzer – condition: AS IS, with PC, monitor and other accessories: 2300 Euro
Throughput of 240 test/hour / Clinical Chemistry ad Turbidimetry dedicated reagents / 30 refrigerated positions by 20 and 50 mL reagents bottles / Refrigeration system with switch independent from analyzer / 3 positions without refrigeration for sample and reagent racks / 24 samples per rack. Maximum capacity of 72 samples / Maximum capacity of 52 reagents / New dispenser arm assembly / Low dead volume sample and reagent / Impact detection system / Recalibration automatic positioning of needle / Primary tubes or pediatric cups as sample containers / Unlimited STAT capabi1ities. Run at anytime / Up to 15 minutes reading time / Reaction volume between 200 and 800 uL / Measurement Range from -0.05 A to 2.5 A / Automatic conditioning of system fluid Fully automated electro chemiluminescence ( ECL ) Analyzer
2/ COBAS E411 RACK VERSION – used, working condition. The price is 15.500 EURO with used measuring cell, or with additional brand new measuring cell – 17.500 Euro
Troughput of 80 – 85 test / hr Sample selective / Disk version 75 samples on 15 racks on one tray / Primary tubes: 5 to 10ml; 16×100, 16×75, 13×100, 13x75mm / Wide range of test menusDescriptionSpecs
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