Erythrocyte Sedimentation Ratę Analysis Madę Easier and Faster

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Ratę Analysis Madę Easier and Faster

An instrument accurately measures erythrocyte sedimentation rates (ESRs) and is faster and more consistent than the manual method. The machine can scan 10 tubes at a time and give precise ESR results within 30 minutes as compared to the one hour of the Westergren methods. The Streck ESR-Auto Plus (Streck, Inc.; Omaha, NE, USA; is a fully automated system that incorporates a quality control system, and eliminates the need for manual daily recording. Results are measured in millimeters per hour and have greater than 98% correlation to the manual modified Westergren method. Statistical reports are generated with the following features: stan­dard deviation, coefficient of variation (CV %), mean, highest and lowest result.